Content Partner Profile

Camloc Motion Control Ltd

15 New Star Road
Troon Industrial Area
United Kingdom
0116 274 3600

Content Partner News

Mounting: Crossover, Self-Rise & Self-Close

Published: 10/18

What is Crossover, Self-Rise & Self-Close; what affects does this have on lifting and closing action?

Gas Spring Mounting: Mounting Orientations

Published: 10/18

How do I identify mounting orientations, and which is the most effective?

Mounting positions & gas spring sizing continued: Closing force calculation

Published: 10/18

Similarly, the force required to close the lid (F2) can be calculated using the formula:

Mounting Positions & Gas Spring Sizing

Published: 10/18

Which mounting points and gas spring sizes should be used, and how are these calculated?

What are handling forces?

Published: 10/18

What are handling forces and how are they categorised?

Technical Guide – Edition 1.2: Gas Spring Overview

Published: 10/18

This whitepaper is the second edition to the two-part series “Gas Spring Overview”. It provides a wealth of technical information to aid in design projects which require assistance with motion control. This edition discusses “damping”, “metering & extension speeds”, “friction & P1 - P4 charts”, “force & force ratios” and “oil levels”.

Technical Guide – Edition 1.1: Gas Spring Overview

Published: 10/18

This whitepaper is the first of two editions put together as a technical overview of gas springs and dampers. It provides a wealth of technical information to aid in design projects which require assistance with motion control. This edition discusses ‘forces’, ‘effect of rod diameter’, ‘effect of rod insertion’ and ‘effects and limits of temperature on gas springs’.

Understanding the basics: Guide to gas spring application

Published: 10/18

An explanation of what a gas spring is, component parts, and how they are both constructed and operate. It gives the reader a basic understanding of the workings and terminology used when specifying gas springs. It offers technical recommendations and guidelines for different mounting positions on applications. It also describes the differences orientation and damping effects are to be expected dependent upon the chosen mounting position.